Tag: label

  • Anatomy of the Eye (Coloring)

    Anatomy of the Eye (Coloring)

    The coloring worksheet is intended to help students learn the location of specific parts of the eye, like the cornea, sclera, lens, and retina.

  • Cell Membrane Captions

    Cell Membrane Captions

    Students examine images of transport across the cell membrane and identify key features such as the phospholipid bilayer, channel proteins,  and receptors.  Students then provide a title, such as “osmosis” and create a caption that describes the process being shown.

  • Cells Alive Worksheet

    Cells Alive Worksheet

    This worksheet follows diagrams and activities at CellsAlive.com which focuses on the size of cells compared to other objects, such as viruses and pollen.  Students view interactive plant, animal, and bacteria cells to learn about the different structures associated with each.

  • Cell Labeling: Simple and Complex

    Cell Labeling: Simple and Complex

    Students practice labeling organelles on a simple model (2D) and a more complex model.   The idea is for students to gain an appreciation for how cell diagrams are created.  They don’t all look alike, and are often artistically created.  Cell organelles tend to follow basic design rules, like the mitochondria will generally look like a…

  • Cell Cycle Labeling

    Cell Cycle Labeling

    Students label the image of a cell undergoing mitosis and answer questions about the cell cycle. 

  • Label the Body Regions

    Label the Body Regions

    This worksheet is used with a beginning anatomy unit that discusses anatomical terminology and body regions. 

  • Color and Label the Nephron

    Color and Label the Nephron

    Practice labeling the nephron with this reinforcement activity.  Students can also color the image to identify the major structures of the nephron:  glomerulus, bowman’s capsule, proximal and distal tubules, loop of Henle, collecting duct and capillaries. This was designed to go with a larger unit on how the urinary system and kidneys help the body…

  • Modeling the Alimentary Canal

    Modeling the Alimentary Canal

    In this activity, students use string to model the gastrointestinal tract as a scale model.  I’ve noticed that students do have difficulty with the concept of scaling, which is one of the crosscutting concepts listed in the NGSS. The directions give students measurements for a 1/3 scale model, the human alimentary canal is about 9…

  • Mitosis – Internet Exploration

    Mitosis – Internet Exploration

    This assignment can be a stand-alone activity to help students learn to identify the phases of mitosis by viewing  various animations.  There are several sites to visit, where students perform tasks, such as labeling and making comparisons. Site 1: Bioman Mitosis Mover This is a game site where you progress through levels. Students can print…

  • Color the Bones of the Hand

    Color the Bones of the Hand

    Learning the names of the bones of the hand can be challenging.  This coloring worksheet can be used with a lesson how how to locate each of the bones.  I also teach students a mnemonic, though they still need to establish where the scaphoid bone is for the mnemonic to work.   They find each of…

  • Food Web: Identify Consumers

    Food Web: Identify Consumers

    Food webs are basic concepts in biology and ecology, where students learn the concept of energy flow in an ecosystem by  viewing models of food webs.   This labeling worksheet asks students to identify the primary, secondary, and tertiary consumers in a forest ecosystem. A food web is a representation of the complex interrelationship between…

  • Comparing a Human and Avian Skeleton

    Comparing a Human and Avian Skeleton

    Students often learn the bones of a human skeleton in health, but biology class can reinforce these lessons by comparing the human skeleton to that of other vertebrates.  In this case, students color the skeleton of a bird and a human according to the directions.   The colors will illustrate how many of the bones…

  • How Does Photosynthesis Work?

    How Does Photosynthesis Work?

    This handout can be used with a lecture on photosynthesis, where students label the main features of the light-dependent reaction and the Calvin cycle.

  • Label the Parts of the Plant and Animal Cell

    Label the Parts of the Plant and Animal Cell

    Label a diagram of an animal cell and a plant cell; a diagram showing how proteins are produced by ribosomes, and finally packaged by the golgi apparatus.

  • Student Guide to Frog External Anatomy

    Student Guide to Frog External Anatomy

    Lab handout over the external anatomy of the frog. Can be used as part of a frog dissection unit. Includes instructions and images to label.