Students label the image of a cell undergoing mitosis and answer questions about the cell cycle. The main phases are shown: interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.
I use the I-P-M-A-T as a memory device, though NGSS does not specifically state that students need to know the phases, it’s not difficult for them to learn and gives them a foundation for understanding how errors in the cell cycle can lead to cancer.
I often use this worksheet in class as reinforcement, I give students a few minutes to work out as much as they can on their own and then use the overhead projector to fill in the rest of the blanks.
There are many “answer keys” to this worksheet on the internet, posted on various sites. For that reason, I usually don’t give a grade for it and use it as a group or class activity.
HS-LS1-4 Use a model to illustrate the role of cellular division (mitosis) and differentiation in producing and maintaining complex organisms.
Other Cell Cycle Resources
Mitosis in an Onion – view picture, identify the stages of mitosis in each of the cells
Onion Root Tip Lab – view real cells with a microscope, requires lab equipment and prepared slides
Onion and Whitefish – view cells, if you missed the classroom lab; virtual version of the mitosis lab
Mitosis Internet Lesson – view animations of mitosis; questions
Cell Cycle Cut and Paste – students arrange words and draw arrows to illustrate mitosis
Cancer: Out of Control Cells – article describing how the cell cycle relates to cancer, includes questions