Tag: osmosis
Cell Membrane Transport Graphic Organizer
Label a graphic that compares the types of transport in a cell, such as osmosis, diffusion, and active transport.
Investigation: Determine Molarity of Unknown Solution
Students determine the mass of water beads after soaking them in solutions. They use the change in mass to determine the molarity.
Osmosis Practice with Slides
Practice identifying hypotonic and hypertonic solutions and determining which direction water will flow with these slides. You can assign this activity on Google Classroom, and students can complete the activity on their own or in groups. The activity features 4 slides with cells in various solutions of glucose or glucose + sodium. Next to each…
Medical Errors – Don’t Use Pure Water Intravenously
I created this mini case study from a story about a patient given sterile water instead of saline in an intravenous drip solution. Students should probably have a learned about tonicity (hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic) before attempting this activity. The worksheet describes a scenario where a patient was hyperglycemic and the doctor ordered water be…
Modeling Osmosis
This basic lab uses Deco-cubes to show how they change in size when soaked in salt water, distilled water, and tap water.
Reinforcement: Cell Transport
This reinforcement worksheet was designed for introductory biology, to help students learn concepts related to cell transport across the membrane. Words include osmosis, diffusion, hypertonic, and hypotonic, semipermeable, and active and passive transport. The exercise has vocabulary terms and a list of sentences or definitions for students to match to the words. I use google…
Cell Membrane Coloring
Color the cell membrane with a focus on diffusion, osmosis and transport proteins. Students color the structures of a cell membrane according to the directions. Then they answer questions about cell transport. I designed this worksheet for an introductory biology course to reinforce concepts related to cell transport. An image shows the phospholipid bilayer with…
Cell Membrane Captions
Students examine images of transport across the cell membrane and identify key features such as the phospholipid bilayer, channel proteins, and receptors. Students then provide a title, such as “osmosis” and create a caption that describes the process being shown.
Investigation: The Effect of Salt on a Potato
Students observe how the mass of a potato slice changes when soaked overnight in salt water. The activity is intended to be done as part of a lesson on osmosis and hypertonic and hypotonic solutions. Students will need about 15 minutes to set up their cups, weigh their slices and make predictions about what they…
Using Anchoring Phenomenon with Lessons
Start lessons on osmosis with an activity and anchoring phenomenon. View cells exposed to salt and observe how they change!
Observing Diffusion Using Iodine and Plastic Bags
Use simple materials to model diffusion. Place corn starch in a bag and then submerge into a solution of iodine.