Author: Shannan Muskopf

  • Modeling Independent Assortment & Dihybrid Crosses

    Modeling Independent Assortment & Dihybrid Crosses

    Students examine how two traits are inherited, revealing that each allele has an equal chance of being passed on to the next generation, the principle of independent assortment.

  • Compare a Human and Chimpanzee Skeleton

    Compare a Human and Chimpanzee Skeleton

    This handout can be used in discussions on the evolution of bipedalism or in any unit on the skeletal system.  Students label the bones of the skeleton and make comparisons between the forelimbs, hind limbs, and pelvis. I created this handout to compliment an evolutionary lesson and  video from HHMI on the “Origin of Humans”…

  • Investigation:  Modeling Heredity with Popsicle Sticks

    Investigation: Modeling Heredity with Popsicle Sticks

    In this activity, you will use popsicle sticks to model the process of gamete formation and the combining of sperm and egg to create offspring. Results of the simulation can then be compared to Punnet square expected results. Popsicles should be made in advance, the set contains a male and female set with the genotypes…

  • Simple Mendelian Genetics Practice Problems

    Simple Mendelian Genetics Practice Problems

    Students learning basic Mendelian genetics can practice assigning genotypes and  identifying heterozygous and homozygous configurations.  Squares are set up to do crosses with purple and white flowers as seen in Mendel’s pea plants. The worksheet is very simple, designed for beginning students of biology and genetics.   More difficult versions of genetics practice problems might…

  • Investigation: What Factors Affect Lung Capacity

    Investigation: What Factors Affect Lung Capacity

    In this investigation, students use balloons and rulers to estimate the vital capacity of lungs using test subjects within the class.  To perform the test, subjects take a deep breath and blow into a balloon.  The diameter is measured and a graph is used to estimate the volume of air expelled based on the diameter…

  • How to Learn the 12 Cranial Nerves

    How to Learn the 12 Cranial Nerves

    Learn the 12 cranial nerves with this simple mnemonic and coloring worksheet, appropriate for high school anatomy students.

  • Construct a DNA Model Using Marshmallows

    Construct a DNA Model Using Marshmallows

    Use marshmallows and toothpicks to construct a model of DNA. Mini marshmallows represents the nucleotides, large marshmallows represent deoxyribose.

  • Maintaining a Science Library

    Maintaining a Science Library

    My classroom has a collection of science themed books that are not textbooks that I periodically share with my students.   For example, when discussing biochemistry at the beginning of the year, you will find a copy of the Poisoner’s Handbook on my desk, with several post-it notes attached.   Students are curious about the…

  • Case Study:  Why Are There No Male Calico Cats?

    Case Study: Why Are There No Male Calico Cats?

    This presentation case study asks two important questions regarding cat coloration: The case is presented as a slide presentation where students consider evidence and data related to cat coloration and chromosomes.  Working in small groups, they discuss the case and eventually answer the two main questions. I usually collect their answers at the end of class…

  • Investigation: Habitat Selection in Flour Beetles

    Investigation: Habitat Selection in Flour Beetles

     This activity was modified from an Advanced Placement Investigation for use with freshman classes.   The instructions are clear and require students to examine data and create a graph.   Then students collect their own data using Choice Chambers and can choose which variables they would like to test: wet vs dry, water vs vinegar,  light…

  • Inquiry in Genetics Using Wisconsin Fast Plants

    Inquiry in Genetics Using Wisconsin Fast Plants

    Genetic Experiments can be intimidating for teachers due to the time and cost of breeding plants or animals in a classroom.  These issues are further complicated in a public school setting which may have space issues, limited funds, and lack of access to labs.   My favorite model for genetic experiments is the Wisconsin Fast…

  • Meiosis Case:  SRY not SRY

    Meiosis Case: SRY not SRY

    Students are given a scenario about a female athlete who was stripped of her medal when it was discovered that her cells contain a Y chromosome.

  • Zoobiquity – Review and Discussion Questions

    Zoobiquity – Review and Discussion Questions

    I try to read at least one non-fiction book per year to try to keep myself up to date and inspired with new knowledge and advances in medicine.   I have a classroom set of “Stiff” that I require my AP Biology students to read during the unit on anatomy.  Recently, in a graduate class…

  • Comparing a Human and Avian Skeleton

    Comparing a Human and Avian Skeleton

    Students often learn the bones of a human skeleton in health, but biology class can reinforce these lessons by comparing the human skeleton to that of other vertebrates.  In this case, students color the skeleton of a bird and a human according to the directions.   The colors will illustrate how many of the bones…

  • What Does a Bird’s Beak Tell You About Its Diet?

    What Does a Bird’s Beak Tell You About Its Diet?

    In this activity, students examine images of birds and make inferences about the bird’s diet and lifestyle based on the shape of their beaks and legs.  Birds are very diverse in their habits, spear-shaped beaks are used for fishing,  short stout beaks are used for cracking seeds, and the curved beaks of raptors are used…