Tag: corn
Can Genetic Modification Protect Corn?
The European corn borer (ECB) is a major pest of corn in the United States. It is a small, black and white moth that lays its eggs on the leaves of corn plants. The larvae hatch and tunnel into the stalks, ears, and leaves of the plant, causing significant damage. Bt corn is a type…
Corn Chi Square (remote)
This is the remote version of a classroom activity I do with corn ears. Students would count the kernels (smooth, wrinkled, purple, yellow) and determine if the ears of corn are the result of a dihybrid cross, RrPp x RrPp. This gives students the opportunity to apply statically analysis to data sets and determine if…
Corn Genetics and Chi Square Analysis
Students count kernels on an ear of corn. The corn is the product of a dihybrid cross, so that the phenotype of the kernels will follow a 9:3:3:1 ratio.