Tag: theory

  • Sliding Filament Coloring

    Sliding Filament Coloring

    Step by step guide of the sliding filament model;, contraction starts with a nerve impulse and ends with muscle fibers shortening. Students color the diagram.

  • Investigation:  Exploring Cells

    Investigation: Exploring Cells

    While biologists might find the history of the cell theory fascinating, I notice that many of my students seem to tune-out when you bring up the history of scientific discoveries. In order to save time and improve engagement, I created this lab to include a short history of the cell theory as students explore prepared…

  • Are Exit Tickets a Good Way to Assess Understanding?

    Are Exit Tickets a Good Way to Assess Understanding?

    My genetics unit for Freshman Biology always starts with a history lesson on Mendel and our understanding of heredity at that time.   One of the main themes of this lesson is a comparison between two ways of thinking about inheritance and two competing theories:    The Particulate Theory and the Blending Theory. Students struggle…