Tag: dogs

  • Genome Wide Association Studies in Dog Coats

    Genome Wide Association Studies in Dog Coats

    Data examines single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that indicate a strong or weak correlation to coat length and texture in different dogs.

  • Dogs Decoded – Nova Video

    Dogs Decoded – Nova Video

    One of my favorite evolutionary videos is this Nova production on dogs, called “Dogs Decoded.”   This is a great program to bridge the topic of genetics to evolution.   The program starts by examining the unique relationship humans have with dogs, and how dog evolution was shaped by that relationship.

  • Teaching Evolution Using Animal Models

    Teaching Evolution Using Animal Models

    Most evolution units start with a history of evolutionary thought, where scientists of the past, like Darwin, Linnaeus, Larmarke, and Wallace,  are discussed with regard to their contributions to evolutionary theory.    If you’re not careful, you can end up spending too much time on the history, talking about the Voyage of the Beagle and the…