Tag: altitude

  • Case Study – Tibetans and Altitude (Remote)

    Case Study – Tibetans and Altitude (Remote)

    This case study is a remote alternative to “How Do Tibetans Survive High Altitudes.” The remove version is shorter and does not require as much guidance by the instructor. I created this version with Google slides, so students can type their answers directly onto the slide. I made remote versions of several activities because I…

  • Case Study: How Do Tibetans Survive High Altitudes

    Case Study: How Do Tibetans Survive High Altitudes

    Based on the Berkeley website: Understanding Evolution, this version focuses on the how the body maintains homeostasis at high altitudes.   This involves increased production of red blood cells to improve oxygen supplies to tissues.    Tibetan populations have adapted to high altitudes by producing fewer red blood cells which improves fetal mortality rates. Case looks…