Anatomy 1 & 2 – This class is usually taken by juniors and seniors, by students that are interested in entering a medical field after graduation. It is recommended for those on a career path to become:
AP Biology (also SLU dual credit)- this is a college level course which has strict prerequisites, biology and chemistry are both required. Most students take this class as a senior. Uses Openstax Biology 2e
Biology 1 & 1A – Miller and Levine Bee Book – this is offered to freshman on a college track, the first semester covers the scientific method and cell biology
Biology 2 & 2A – Second semester, focus on genetics, comparative anatomy (under development)
Biology 1 & 1A – Older resources for Miller and Levine’s Dragonfly Book
Biology 2 & 2A – Second semester, focus on genetics and vertebrates
Introduction to Biology -one semester class for vocational track students (students spend a semester on subjects: biology, chemistry, physics, and earth science.)