Zoos and Aquariums for Virtual Field Trips

New England Aquarium
Monterey Bay Aquarium
San Diego Zoo
St. Louis Zoo
ARKive – largest natural world encyclopedia, with photos, videos, and sound files
Lessons and Tutorials for Students
PBS Nature and PBS Nova – videos and interactive science games
Learn Genetics – comprehensive site covering genetics, DNA, and biotechnology
HHMI Biointeractive – where virtual labs are hosted, labs more appropriate for an AP class
Go-Lab – collection of interactive apps for learning science
PHET interactive simulations – more interactive apps, organized by subject, downloadable
Videos and Podcasts
National Geographic – easy to get lost in this huge site, I love showing (and embedding) their videos. So much information..so little time
BBC Science and Nature – lots of exciting things here to explore
SciShow (Youtube) – fast paced explanations for just about everything
Amoeba Sisters (Youtube) – animated films focused on biology, covers most bio topics and many of their films have handouts
Bozeman Science – teacher posts mini-lessons on biology and other subjects, also includes AP Bio topics
This Podcast Will Kill You – showcases health and disease, from historical to current issues
Citizen Science
Project Noah – encourage people to reconnect with nature and document local wildlife. You can create and account and upload images you take of nature and wildlife and share with your community and the world.
iNaturalist – share photos with the community