Students studying biology and anatomy view detailed photographs of structures explored during common dissections. 


Dissection is an integral component for many biology classes.  Students across the world learn anatomy and physiology by examining the internal structures of a frog which are comparable to other vertebrates, even humans. 

Some students may object to doing a dissection on a real specimen.  I have designed these pages to follow the dissection guides students would use in class with a real specimen, so that students can do the lab without doing the dissection. Dissection guides and other anatomy resources can be found at

Each "virtual dissection" contain photos from the specimen with a description or other information.  Interactivity is limited  because google chrome no longer supports flash.   Pages were designed to be compatible with all devices. 

links to other resources, like videos or animations.  Students who are doing the actual dissection can also benefit by using these pages as a supplement or review.