

2. Group of large reptiles that became extinct
4. A type of turtle that is found in salt water
5. Reptiles convert waste (ammonia) into ____ acid
6. Lizards that produce venom; ___ monster
11. Type of constricting snake that can become very large
12. Rare type of reptile that has a "third eye"
16. An animal that lays eggs that develop outside the mother's body (like a sea turtle)
17. The part of the egg that provides food for the embryo
18. Describes and animal whose body temperature changes with its surroundings (cold-blooded)
19. Organ used by reptiles to get oxygen


1. Type of poisonous snake found in the midwest, named for the color of its head
2. Reptiles have ____ loop circulation
3. Order that includes lizards and snakes
7. Snake that has heat sensing abilities; pit ____
8. Type of crocodilian that lives mainly in North and South America (found in freshwater)
9. Class that includes turtles, lizards, snakes and crocodiles.
10. A shelled reptile that lives mainly on the land and is very slow moving
13. The type of egg reptiles have
14. This reptile has a shell and tends to live in the water
15. Type of lizard that has a sticky tongue to catch prey, some can even change colors

Related Resources

Notes and Slides on Reptiles

Animal Reproduction and the Amniote Egg  - color the amniote egg and identify the main structures; compare to human reproduction