Simple Animals
Mollusks and Annelids
1. The Phylum Platyhelminthes includes: roundworms earthworms flatworms heartworms
2. When flatworms split into two and then regenerate to form two new flatworms, it is called: fission sexual reproduction acoelomate budding
3. Which of the following is a free-living flatworm? schistosoma asarid worm tapeworm planarian
4. An animal that can produce both sperm and eggs is called a: parasite hermaphrodite acoelomate turbellarian
5. The head of a tapeworm is called the: proglottid scolex eyespot pharynx
6. Hooks and suckers on the tapeworm's head are used for: sucking blood reproduction defense from predators attaching to the host
7. Which of the following is a parasite? hookworm roundworm tapeworm all of these
8. Which of the following has a complete digestive tract (mouth to anus)? roundworms only flatworms only roundworms and flatworms neither roundworms or flatworms
9. Schistosoma must infect a ____ before it can infect humans. cow roundworm snail mosquito
10. What structure is used by planarians to suck food into the digestive system? eyespot proglottid pharynx flame cells
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