Student Self Evaluation

google doc

1. What grade do you expect to make in this class? __________

2. The list below contains characteristics that relate to success in school. Rank each one according to its importance (in your opinion). Start with 1, being the most important and go to 9, the least important.

Attendance box Doing your homework box Paying attention box
Doing well on tests box Bringing supplies box Taking notes box
Completing projects box Working well with others box Good Behavior box

boy doing homework3. Of the list above. Which two things do you want to PERSONALLY improve about yourself?

4. Which of the following best describes where you see yourself in 5 years?
a. living in a dorm and going to a university
b. community college and living at home
c. in the military
d. working within the community, maybe have an apartment of my own
e. other (write in)


5. Do you learn best by: a. reading b. listening c. writing

6. On average, how much time per night do you put into schoolwork? _________________

7. What have you heard about this class? ________________________________________

8. Have you ever failed a class before? ________
If yes, list one reason why you failed? ________________________________________
If no, list one reason why you have been successful? _____________________________

9. Which of the following motivates you the most?
a. myself b. my parents c. my friends

10. How do you stay organized at school?
a. I keep all handouts in a folder, and notes in a notebook
b. I have a big binder that stores all my work divided by class
c. I have no organization method, my papers are everywhere.

d. Other ____________________________________________________________________

*What is one thing you would like your teacher to know about you? Think about things that may affect your learning, or the class, or just general information about your personality.

Other Resources

Lab Report Rubric and Guidelines

Participation Rubric

Group Evaluation Rubric