penVocabulary - Leverage Your Understanding - Sample

Student Worksheet - Leverage Your Understanding

Often in science, we are confronted with very technical words that you are expected to know for a test. Memorizing definitions of words is easy, but a true understanding of the concept takes more time. One way to improve your understanding of science concepts is to think, write, and talk about the idea.

Restate the definition in your own words, or provide an example.

An enzyme that unzips DNA

Word ______DNA Helicase____________

Book Definition:

Any of the enzymes that use energy derived from the hydrolysis of nuceloside triphosphates to unwind the double stranded helcial structure of nucleic acids: DNA and RNA helicases
Use the word in a sentence with another word that's related to the topic.

DNA helicase is used during REPLICATION, where DNA makes a copy of itself.








Make a visual representation of the word

DNA helicase

Ultimately, your memory of this word relies on you connecting it to something you already know or have experienced. Talk to your lab partner about how you can connect this word and summarize below.

I imagine DNA helicase like a zipper, and zippers unzip your genes. (haha!)