Chapter 37 Animal Behavior Name _______________________
Section 37-1: Evolution of Behavior

1. A Behavior Is an __________________ Performed in Response to a ____________________
2. What two questions do scientists studying behavior investigate?
3. Natural Selection Shapes _______________________
4. Natural selection favors traits that: _________________________________________________
5. Why do male lions kill lion cubs? ________________________________________
6. Natural selection favors traits that benefit [ groups / individuals ]. (choose one)
7. Many Behaviors are ______________________ Based.
8. What is innate behavior? _______________________________________________
9. How does a Fischer's lovebird carry nesting material? _________________________________
10. How does a peach-faced lovebird carry nesting material? ______________________________
11. __________________ Plays a Large Role in Behavior. What is learning?
12. What is conditioning? ________________________________________________
13. Give an example of conditioning (pavlov's dogs):
14. Animals learn by trial and error that performing a certain action will result in:
15. Give an example of trial and error learning (skinner box):
16. What is reasoning? ____________________________________________________________
What kinds of animals show ability to reason? ____________________________________
17. Many Behaviors Have Both _______________ and _______________ Aspects
18. What is imprinting? __________________________________________________
19. What Nobel Prize winning animal behaviorist studied the imprinting of geese? _______________________________________
Section 37-2: Types of Behavior
20. Animal Behaviors Fall into Several Broad ______________________________.
List them. (figure 37-9) ____________________________________________________________
21. What do musk oxen do when they see a wolf? _______________________________________
22. What is the difference between a "specialist" and a "generalist"?
23. For each of the scenarios below, identify what category of behavior it falls into:
__________________________ A robin feeds an worm to its offspring.
__________________________ A male stickleback fish builds an elaborate nest to attract a female.
__________________________ Monarch butterflies migrate thousands of kilometers from the US to Mexico.
___________________________A cheetah scratches a tree, leaving a scent.
___________________________ A raccoon searches along streams for fish, frogs, and small rodents.
___________________________ When threatened, a hognose snake flips onto its back and plays dead.
24. Animals Often ____________________________ in Complex Ways
Mark each statement about animal communication True or False.
__________ Dogs communicate fear and submission by wagging their tails.
__________ The tungara frog has a loud mating call because frogs are active at night.
__________ Many primates have a vocabulary of sounds that allows individuals to communicate the identify of specific predators.
__________ Chimpanzees and gorillas are able to produce the sounds of speech.
__________ Chimpanzees can rearrange symbols to form a new sentence with a different meaning.
__________ Infants begin to learn language by trial and error at the age of 6 months.
25. Choosing a ____________ Involves the Interplay of Many Behaviors.
26. Why do animals produce a unique courtship signal? __________________________________
27. What "decisions" concerning mating must the animal make?
28. How do female tungara frogs choose a mate?
29. What is sexual selection? ________________________________________________________
30. Describe 2 examples of extreme traits found in animals: