Name ________________________________________

What Do You Know About Reptiles and Birds?

1. A reptile that is known as a "living fossil" is the [ tuatara / crocodile ]
2. A rattlesnake's pit organ is used for [ reproduction / hunting ]
3. Snakes that retain their eggs inside their body until hatching are [ ovoviviparous / oviparous]
4. A venomous lizard is the [ komodo dragon / gila monster ]
5. Embryos in the egg are surrounded by a membrane that holds water called the [ chorion / amnion ]
6. Both birds and reptiles have [ internal / external ] fertilization.
7. The study of reptiles is called [ herpetology / ornithology ]
8. Aquatic reptiles have [ gills / lungs ]
9. Both birds and reptiles have a [ cloaca / wishbone ]
10. Flight muscles of the bird attach to the [ sternum / humerus ]
11. Both birds and reptiles belong to the same [ order / class ]
12. Snakes, lizards and birds all belong to the phylum [ aves / chordata ]
13. A reptile that takes care of its young is the [ sea turtle / crocodile ]
14. Hollow bones are a key characteristic of [ snakes / birds ]
15. The developing embryo is nourished (fed) by the [ yolk / allantois ]
16. The Jacobson's organ is used for [ detecting odors / injecting venom ]
17. Feathers used to insulate birds are [ down / contour ] feathers.
18. A bird with a long, spear-shaped beak probably eats [ seeds / fish ]
19. The egg of birds passes through the [ intestine / cloaca ]
20. Reptiles and birds both [ have scales / are endothermic ]
21. Snakes and lizards both have [ loosely connected jaws / forked tongues ]
22. An example of a venomous snake found in the Midwest is the [ cobra / copperhead ]
23. The largest group of reptiles is [ squamata / crocodilia ]
24. The largest group of birds is the [ raptors / songbirds ]
25. Birds put oil on their feathers to make them [ shine / waterproof ]
26. Courtship behavior in birds is a method of finding [ a mate / food ]
27. The fused collarbone found in birds is called the [ pygostyle / furculum ]
28. All birds have [ feathers / the ability to fly ]
29. In birds, the gizzard is responsible for [ creating eggs / grinding food ].
30. The shape of a bird's beak can tell you much about its [ diet / nest ]