Chapter 24: Introduction to Plants Name___________________________

Section 24-1 (page 520 -525)

1. What types of plants cannot photosynthesize? _____________________________
2. What three things did plants have to do so that they could thrive on land?
3. On land, plants take nutrients from the soil with their _________________________
4. The waxy layer on a plant that prevents water loss is the _____________________
5. Pores called __________________________________ permit gas exchange.
6. As guard cells change shape, stomata ____________________________
7. The structure that contains sperm is __________________________
8. The first plants moved materials in their bodies by ______________________________
9. What does the word "vascular" mean? _______________________________________
10. The seed is a structure that contains the ____________________________________
11. What are the four advantages of seeds?
12. Why is seed dispersal important for plants?
13. What is a flower? _______________________________________________________
14. What does phloem transport? _________________________________________
15. What does xylem transport? __________________________________________
16. The part of the plant that grows upward is the ____________, the part of the plant that grows downward is the ____________
17. What is a meristem? __________________________________________

Section 24-2: Kinds of Plants
1. Compared to vascular plants, non vascular plants are [ larger | smaller ] (circle)
2. Nonvascular plants [ do | do not ] require water for sexual reproduction.
3. Mosses transport water and nutrients using [ osmosis | vessels ]
4. Name three nonvascular plants. ___________
5. Name four examples of seedless vascular plants: ___________________
6. Most gymnosperms have [ water | wind ] pollination.
7. Identify the gymnosperms pictured: _________________________


8. Seed plants that produce flowers are called: ___________________________
9. Flowers promote ___________________ and ___________________________
10. The primary function of fruits is to promote: _____________________________
11. Stored food found within a seed is called the: ___________________________
12. Identify each of the following as a MONOCOT or a DICOT (table 24-1)
tulip ________________________
potato ________________________
clover ________________________
corn ________________________
sunflower ________________________
lawn grasses _______________________

Section 24-3: Plants in Our Lives Name __________________

1. Botanically, the fruit is the part of the plant that contains [ leaves | seeds ]
2. A vegetative part of a plant is any [ reproductive | nonreproductive ] part.
3. Potatoes are classified as a root crop because they grow [ downward | underground ]
4. Modified underground stems that store starch are: [ tubers | shoots ]
5. Plants that produce seeds in long pods are called: [ tubers | legumes ]
6. [ Alfalfa | beans ] are grown to enrich soil.
7. Grasses that are grown as food for humans and livestock are called [ fruits | cereals ]
8. More than [ 70 | 90 ] percent of the world's farmland grows grains.
9. White flour is made of [ corn | wheat ] .
10. The great plains region of the US is good for growing [ wheat | potatos ]
11. In the south [ corn | wheat ] grows best.
12. The most widely cultivated crop in the US is [ corn | wheat ]
13. Rice is grown in [ dark soil | standing water ]
14. Latex is made from tropical trees of the genus [ acer | hevea ]
15. 75% of the lumber in the US is used for [ construction | fuel ]
16. Paper is made from [ wood pulp | rayon ]
17. Tea made from the bark of willow trees would be used to cure a [ tumor | headache]
18. Foxglove is used to treat [ cardiac disorders | blood clots ]
19. Codeine is derived from the [ periwinkle | poppy ]
20. The fruit of the cotton plant is called the [