
Viewing Plant Cells flowers

Prelab Questions:

1. What is the function of the chloroplasts?

2. Name two structures found in plant cells but not animal cells.

3. Name three structures found in plant cells AND animal cells.

4. What structure surrounds the cell membrane (in plants) and give the cell support?


Part A - Onion Cells

Obtain a prepared slide of the onion cells and view under scanning, low and high power. Sketch what you see exactly as it appears. On the high power sketch, LABEL the NUCLEUS, CYTOPLASM, and CELL WALL of a single. cell.




Estimate how many cells you can see under low power ____________ high power ________________

Part B - Elodea Cells

Create a slide with the leaf of an elodea (a water plant, commonly known as water lettuce) and place a cover slip over the specimen. Sketch the leaf as it appears under scanning, low, and high power. On the high power sketch, LABEL the CHLOROPLASTS, CYTOPLASM, CENTRAL VACUOLE, and CELL WALL of a single cell.




Estimate how many cells you can see under low power ____________ high power ________________


1. What did the onion and the elodea have in common? How were they different?

2. Why were no chloroplasts found in the onion cells. (hint: think about where you find onions)


3. Which type of cell was the smallest, the onion or the elodea?