
Reading 27-3: Annelids


1. Annelids are probably more closely related to ________________________ and snails than they are to roundworms.
2. The Latin word "annellus" means ___________________________________

3. What are septa? ________________________________________________
4. What are setae? _______________________________________________
5. Annelids are worms with _____________________________________bodies.
They have a true _____________________________that is lined with tissue derived from the mesoderm.
6. Name two ways that annelids can get their food: _________________________
7. What type of annelid has jaws to capture prey? __________________________
8. In earthworms, what is the job of the pharynx? __________________________

9. Once food enters the earthworm, it goes to two structures:
_________________________ (where food is stored)
_________________________ ( grinds food )
10. What type of circulatory system do annelids have? ____________________________________
11. What are the two major blood vessels in the earthworm? _______________________________________
12. How do feather duster worms get oxygen? __________________________________
13. How do land dwelling annelids (like the earthworm) get oxygen? __________________________________
14. Excretory organs that that eliminate cellular waste: ______________________________________
15. Do annelids have a brain? ________
16. What type of skeleton do annelids have? _______________________________________
17. What are the two sets of muscles that help the worm move? ________________________________
18. Paddle-like appendages found on marine worms are called ____________________________
19. In earthworms, the __________________ secretes a mucus ring where sperm and eggs are released.
20. What class of annelids contain the earthworms and their relatives? _____________________________
21. What is an earthworm casting? ______________________________________________________
22. What type of annelids belong to the class Hirudinea? ___________________________________
23. How do members of this class get their food? _____________________________________________
24. Leeches can either bite their hosts or insert a muscular ________________________ into the tissues.
25. What are two ways in which leeches are used in modern medicine?
26. Polychaetes are __________________________________ annelids that have paired, paddle-like appendages.
27. What did Aristotle call earthworms? __________________________________________
28. Name one way that earthworms help the soil?___________________________________
29. Name two animals that eat earthworms: _______________________________________

30. Marine annelids are numerous in areas where ___________________________ promotes bacterial growth.


ANALYZING DATA (not in your book, you must THINK)

1. The forest location had more castings than the swamp location in both 1990 and 2007. True orFalse

2. In all locations, the number of castings declined. True or False

3. The field had about _____ castings in 1990, and about _____ castings in 2007.

4. The data implies that:
a. the number of earthworms is declining
b. the number of earthworms is increasing
c. the number of earthworms is constant and depends on the location