Pump It Up - webquest

Why is building muscle and keeping them strong important? First read this article to answer a few prelimary questions.

Tips to Build Your Muscle Mass at Any Age
Women and Physical Activity -The Importance of Strength Training
Effects of Aging

Questions to consider:


Pick a spot on your body, maybe it's a spot you think you could be stronger or more toned - you might consider muscles of your lower legs, or your chest. You will now need to visit a few websites to help you understand the muscles located in this area and exercises to help you increase muscle strength.

Project Goals

Website Resources

Critical Bench (http://www.criticalbench.com/muscular-system.htm )
Sports Fitness Advisor ( http://www.sport-fitness-advisor.com/dumbellexercises.html )
Body Building ( http://bodybuilding.com/fun/anatomy.htm )
Fitstep ( http://www.fitstep.com/Library/Exercises/Exercises.htm )
Global Fitness ( http://www.global-fitness.com/strength/s_musclemap.php )