Muskopf, Garrette, Pabin

Q367, Fall Semester

Staff Development Plan















Prepared for Salem R-80 School District




























Muskopf, Garrette, Pabin

Q367, Fall Semester

Staff Development Plan











































Muskopf, Garrette, Pabin

Q367, Fall Semester

Staff Development Plan


I.                  Purpose Statement ñ Our Vision; Building it Together


Ground Zero ñ Selling the Idea:


The Technology Director will conduct district-wide building staff meetings in order to apprise district employees of the monetary donation and the accompanying stipulation.İ Using a PowerPoint presentation during these meetings, the Technology Director will outline immediate goals under consideration for utilization of the money for the purpose of professional development training in technology.İ This presentation will include rationale commentary, and will be developed with an express purpose, that of allaying staff fears, feelings of threat, personal discomfort at expected inclusion in this undertaking, and feeling overwhelmed.İ The primary focus of this presentation will be to foster a feeling of ìownershipî of this project among staff members, and to engender universal commitment toward making it as fully successful as possible.İ The PowerPoint presentation will include the following information:İİ


Through the generosity of a local citizen, a unique opportunity has been provided to our school district in the form of a monetary donation of $100,000.İ This donation has one contingency; that the funding provided be used specifically for staff development training in the area of technology.İ Furthermore, the possibility exists that this donation may be extended, and that the district will become the recipient of an annual endowment of $100,000 earmarked to provide professional technology development opportunities for all district staff.


The Salem R-80 School District is responsible for preparing our students for a future in a rapidly changing technological world.İ In order to deliver upon that responsibility, learning opportunities must be provided to our staff members that will allow them to develop professionally in the area of technology and associated principles.İ To capitalize fully upon the benefits of this unique endowment opportunity, there has to be a unified commitment of all district staff to embrace continuing technology professional development.







Muskopf, Garrette, Pabin

Q367, Fall Semester

Staff Development Plan







        Research indicates that a greater concentration exists of educators who consider themselves lacking in technology ìknow-howî than those rating themselves proficient users of the technology in their classrooms.İ The results of past assessment evaluations show that we have staff expressing themselves lacking in rudimentary skills in computer operation, staff desiring to learn more in order to incorporate technology into their instruction.İİ







Muskopf, Garrette, Pabin

Q367, Fall Semester

Staff Development Plan



II.               School System Descriptionİİİİ



The Salem R-80 school district is comprised of four main buildings serving elementary (K-3), middle school (4-6), junior high (7-9), and senior high students (10-12).İ Two additional buildings house the administration department and developmental preschool, respectively.İ The district is rural and has a relatively stable population of approximately 1500 students, with annual employment of 124 faculty and staff members.İ The district has 8 Local Area Networks (LANs), and 1 Wide Area Network (WANs) at this time.












And Staff




Computers In





In Labs





In Other


Administrative Building






Salem Elementary School






Salem Middle School






Salem Junior High






Salem Senior High






Developmental Preschool








The Salem R-80 School District employs one full-time Technology Coordinator whose current responsibilities include coordinating and conducting school site-based staff development technology workshops and in-servicing.İ During the past year, staff development in the area of technology went unrealized due to the overwhelming demands placed upon this individual.İ


In order to accommodate the technology instructional in-servicing opportunities designated as part of our District Technology Plan, a shift will occur in delivery responsibility, from that of Technology Coordinator to Technology Director and building Staff Technology Development Committees.İ




Muskopf, Garrette, Pabin

Q367, Fall Semester

Staff Development Plan



III.           Evaluation Procedures


A Needs Assessment tool will be developed and distributed in order to initiate immediate evaluation of district staff, thereby estimating current status in regards to technology capabilities.İ Survey responses gathered will assist in constructing a formative data bank for analyzing what personnel ìassetsî already exist, what workshop offerings are most desired by staff members, and what areas of personal development interest exist that should be addressed.İİ


This Needs Assessment will provide district personnel with an opportunity to express how they would like to receive compensation for attending workshops and acquiring new technology skills to improve their ability to incorporate technology into the classroom.

Suggested options for district consideration include Career Ladder hours, stipends, professional release hours for attendance, continuing development hours recognized by district and state, and compensatory time granted.İ


Needs Assessments will be distributed at the beginning of each semester, soliciting feedback pertaining to staff technology knowledge improvement and satisfaction with workshop offerings to date, in addition to observations and feedback from the Cadre of Coaches.İ This bi-annual information will assist in determining what areas require improvement and revision, and direct attention to future considerations.


The building Staff Technology Development Committees will convene quarterly in order to assess and reflect upon our current position regarding progress made toward furthering the technological professional development of district personnel.İ Pertinent questions and issues to be discussed during these meetings will revolve around the following:




Muskopf, Garrette, Pabin

Q367, Fall Semester

Staff Development Plan


IV.            Staff Development Overview


Budgeting concerns will be addressed during the development of workshops offered in order to achieve maximum cost-effectiveness and the greatest educational return upon the $100,000 donation.İ Wherever permissible, experienced staff members available in the district, and able to provide relevant in-servicing to others, will be solicited for training of colleagues.İ A staff member will be designated to research local and state workshops planned during the year, maintaining an updated list, and tasked with distributing this information to building Staff Technology Development Committees who will then disburse the information to staff members in their respective buildings.İ Local community resources (colleges, computer businesses, vocational schools, adult training centers) and distance learning opportunities will be canvassed for economical feasibility as training sources.İİİ


Based upon survey responses, workshop topics will be decided upon that have teacher relevancy.İ Workshops will be offered at beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels so that all staff members can benefit from training regardless of where theyíre presently at in terms of technology efficacy.


In addition to workshops, opportunities for visitations to other schools noted for their unique, productive incorporation of technology into district/classroom/curriculum will be granted.İ Those district staff members making such visitations will return to the Salem R-80 School District, sharing with colleagues what theyíve learned.İİ


All building libraries will be allocated funds in order to subscribe to technology periodicals and magazines for teachers to access.İ These resources will be maintained within the libraries and available for staff to check out per normal loan procedures.İİİİ


Staff must adopt individual responsibility by developing a personal technology growth plan outlining educational goals and objectives, with anticipated timeframes for goal/objective completion.İ Goals and objectives should be in alignment with the ISTE Standards for Teachers.İ Cadre Coaching mentors will be available for any staff requesting assistance in the development of their plan, offering suggestions based upon personal needs and desires.İ A system of acknowledgement will be implemented that states mastery of personal technology objectives, and will be added to the staff memberís employee personnel record.


The workshops proposed should be viewed as fluid, with revisions made to in-servicing offered according to changing needs and interest indicated.İ Technology workshops will




Muskopf, Garrette, Pabin

Q367, Fall Semester

Staff Development Plan


be offered to district staff during contracted in-servicing days.İ Coordination efforts will

be made with building Staff Technology Development Committees to conduct, at minimum, one workshop presentation each month during evening hours.İ Additional opportunity for workshop attendance will be provided during the summer months.İ At the conclusion of each workshop, staff will be provided with an opportunity to complete evaluation forms.İ The results of these forms will be used for improvement purposes.İİİİ



Workshops Offeredİ


Beginning Training:İ


Getting To Know Your Classroom Computer

In this workshop, you will learn about the basic components of a computer, miscellaneous peripherals that may increase your efficiency as an educator, and operations and explore many of the types of work it can do for you. This class is designed to help users who have little or no computer experience to feel comfortable and get them started using a computer in their classroom.


Troubleshooting the Classroom Computer

Workshop discusses procedures helpful in keeping your Macintosh and PC running smoothly.İ Learn how to identify and troubleshoot common conflicts, and run routine maintenance on the computer to keep it in tiptop shape.


Microsoft Word
Learn how to use Word to provides create handouts, worksheets, student papers, and other printed documents.İ Topics also include:İ saving, printing, layout and adding images.

Microsoft PowerPoint
With Microsoft PowerPoint, you and your students can make learning more dynamic by creating presentations from classroom materials and projects.

Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel gives you and your students the opportunity to develop and strengthen skills as you gather data, create worksheets, chart and analyze the results, and integrate your findings into reports and assignments.

The Internet
Learn basic tips for searching and navigating the Web. Locate multimedia and educational resources appropriate for students





Intermediate Training:


Basic Web Page Design and Development
Learn the basics of HTML:İ how to create and post a web page for your class.İ Topics include HTML tags, links, style, writing for the Web, and finding free web space and using FTP to post a site.

İLearn how to use Inspiration with your students to clarify thinking, reinforce understanding, integrate new knowledge, and identify misconceptions.


Creating Integrated Lesson Plans

Learn how to organize internet resources and integrate them into your curriculum.İ Topics include:İ finding resources, and creating and using webquests.


Equipment Usage

Learn how to operate scanners, digital cameras, zip drives and other utilities related to the computer.İ


Digital Image Manipulation

This workshop will cover the basics of digital image acquisition by scanning, downloading from the web, or importing images from a digital camera. Once the image is in the computer, the user will then be able to adjust colors and contrast, rotate, crop, and/or resize the image as desired. Topics also include copyright issues involved in using images from other sources.


Software Acquisition and Evaluation

This workshop covers how to find software for a class, how to evaluate the software and what protocols are involved in requesting the ordering of the software for your class. Other topics include licensing issues andİ using demo software.



Advanced Training:


Advanced Web Page Design


After learning the basics of HTML, this workshop will offer tips on how to create and effective design and add interactivity.İ Topics include: creating forms, navigation bars, rollovers, and image maps, and using javascript.


Understanding the School Network

This workshop covers how networks operate, in particular how the schoolís network works, and what it can be used for and will include a tour of the schoolís system.İİ Topics include: file sharing, applications, connectivity, and security.


Managing School Computer Labs


Workshop addresses a variety of strategies to more efficiently manage school computer labs. Strategies will include sharing folders and CDs on the network, setting up read only "template" folders on the network, using lab management software, and designing an optimal physical layout of a computer lab.


Adobe Acrobat for Creating PDF Document

Adobe Acrobat is software for converting documents from any application into a PDF (portable document format) which can be read by anyone with Acrobat Reader.



V.İİİİ Support for Professional Development


Professional development support in assisting the educators of Salem R-80 School District to use and integrate technology into the classroom will be provided by the Cadre of Coaches, district staff members who are tasked with mentoring their peers.İ The goal of the mentor is to serve as a responsible facilitator in order to ensure the successful integration of educational technology within the district over a long period of time.İ Mentors will be solicited from each core department at each grade level, and will then oversee fellow staff members in their respective department/grade level.İ Mentors will be responsible for assisting, advising, and guiding the incorporation of technology into their peersí lessons and improving their peersí classroom efficiency.İ Mentors will be granted release time in order to perform these duties, and will receive compensation for hours invested in their own training.İ Mentors may elect to use their planning periods in order to circulate regularly through the day, checking in upon their peers.İ Mentoring hours amassed will receive inclusion as viable career ladder hours.


Cadre of Coaches ñ Duties of the Mentor

Mentors will be expected to circulate through their respective departments/grade levels, performing regular classroom sweeps.İ Mentors will be given the necessary training in order to become proficient experts in basic computer usage.İ This training will be ongoing.İ Mentors will regularly assess the computer needs of their peers, answering questions and performing on-the-spot corrections so that a solution can be had with greater immediacy rather than waiting on the District Coordinator to arrive and provide intervention.İ Mentors will be diligent in offering suggestions, continual support, and available resources to their peers in ways such as the following:



VI.İİİİ Assessment and Revision


Assessment is an important aspect of our Staff Development Plan and will receive regular, critical attention.İ We realize that flexibility and revision to coordinate changes deemed necessary, beneficial, and desired by the Salem R-80 School District staff can only be accomplished through the development of a cooperative, district-wide commitment to improve and evolve as emerging technological advances are made.İ


In addition to Needs Assessment survey distribution data gathered each semester, district staff will be provided with additional formats for expressing opinions, ideas, suggestions for improvement, and satisfaction with professional development training through the following venues:


Personalized, Small-Group Learning Teams:

Interdisciplinary teams will be provided with an opportunity to meet regularly with one another during the school day in order to share, troubleshoot, support, and develop technology cohesiveness and ìbest practices.îİ Minutes of these meetings will be forwarded to building Technology Staff Development Committees and the Technology Director.İ


District Technology Website:

The district will develop and maintain a website with Bulletin features, accessible to staff.İ In keeping with ìownershipî ideology, district staff will be kept updated on the technology program, and apprised of impending workshops that are school-based, regional, and state-wide.İ Staff will be encouraged to submit and share email pertaining to technology, whether it be personal stories, reflections, lesson plans, helpful websites that others may find interesting, etc., in an effort to open the lines of communication between district staff using the very technology theyíre becoming more proficient in.İİİ






VII.               Budget Allocation


        Registration fees for staff attending workshops that are not site-based.

        Travel reimbursement for staff visitations to other school districts in order to conduct first-hand observations of exceptional technology programs for possible district integration.

        Course fees for technology-oriented classes offering content unavailable throughİİİ district delivery system of workshop/in-service.

        Subscriptions to technology periodicals and magazines for teachers to access.İ These resources will be maintained within the libraries and available for staff to check out per normal loan procedures.İ

        Compensatory stipends for the conduction of workshops, committee meeting hours, small-group learning team meetings, and technology-oriented training spent outside the regular duty hours of staff.İ Where possible, career ladder hours will be granted in lieu of stipends as optional compensation.İİ

        Compensatory stipends/career ladder hours granted for Cadre of Coaches involved in mentoring peers.İİ

        Compensatory stipends/career ladder hours granted for the assessment of hardware needs and upgrading considerations in order to reach district-wide system compatibility.

        Compensatory stipends/career ladder hours granted for maintenance of district technology website.

        Compensatory stipends/career ladder hours granted for maintenance of an updated list of local, regional, and state technology workshop opportunities created through on-going research of local, regional, and state workshops planned during the year.

        Possible increase in staff in order to achieve mentor release time during the school day so that coaches may assist peers reach technology objectives.




VIII.           Continued Annual Endowment


The allocation of resources can be extended beyond the year the grant was received providing that continued support is given.İ The stipends provided for workshops and mentoring projects will need continued monetary support to achieve long-term success. One year of providing mentoring may not be enough to affect a large change in the methods and attitudes of the teaching staff.İ Many of the budgetary components can be allocated on a yearly basis (providing that annual endowment occurs).


Teachers who have agreed to be mentors will gain in knowledge and skills necessary to impart knowledge and inspire new teachers, and the district should take steps to maintain the presence of mentors within departments to facilitate the integration of technology. After all, one year may not be enough to change attitudes or achieve ìcomputer literacyî.İ More than one year will be necessary in order to create the network and the machinery that will give all teachers the tools they need to integrate and use technology in their classrooms effectively.İ Continued support is pivotal to the success of this programİİ In order to fully integrate the plan, the district will need to think long-term. One year of extras and upgrades will probably only effect a change in a small number of teachers.İ Mentor programs and continued staff development should be a part of the districtís goal, even if the grant is not guaranteed as a yearly fund.İ


If annual endowment is assured, the district would consider hiring permanent staff to fill gaps in technology resources:İ hiring a technology aid for the computer labs or the media center may alleviate some of the burden on the staff that works outside their field to address technology issues and troubleshooting.İİ


Resources provided yearly will be earmarked toward the following:

        Software and system upgrades

        Continued stipends for mentors

        Stipends for workshops for new and still developing teachers

        Hiring of permanent technology staff