School Improvement Plan
NCA Target Area: Technology's Impact on Society / Education Date: May, 2001
NCA Committe Chair: Cindy Gagich
NCA Target Area Goal: All students will improve their ability to employ technology to solve real world problems and complete assigned projects in all curricular areas NCA Committee Members: Denise Albrecht, JoAnn Aleman, Bruce Frank, Gary Kasprovich, Deb Larsen, Dave Trower
Sample Data Used In Selecting Goal
1. ISAT Scores
2. Terra Nova Scores
3. Overall GPA
Intervention: An intervention is something / activity that is done to or with students that develops "something desired" within the student. That "something desired" is in the area of the Target Area Goal
Intervention Strategy or Activity Person Responsible Time-line Resources Assessment Evidence of Attainment Professional Development IL Learning Standards Met
Every subject area will develop an activity for selected units to employ technology in compliance with the target area goal

Department chairman

Department staff


Classroom materials computer labs
Media Center
Internet software
video tapes

Teacher Survey

Illinois Workplace Skills Test

Positive feed back from the survey

Increase in scores in technological literacy

Computer / Software

Training Workshops

10. B. 4
App. D

Demonstrating Technological Literacy

Biology 3A - Revised Curriculum

Unit Instructional Goals Technology Illinois Standards
Scientific Method

1. Students will formulate hypotheses referencing prior research and knowledge

2. Students will design procedures to test hypotheses

3. Students will report, display and defend results.

4. Students will analyze scientific information and discriminate between reliable and unreliable information

Students will search for scientific information via the world wide web and develop a list of criteria for determining the reliability of the information.

Students will use word processing programs and spreadsheets to report results of experiments.

11.A - Know and apply the concepts, principles,and processes of scientific inquiry.

1. Students will explain changes within cells and organisms in response to stimuli and changing environmental conditions.

2. Students will compare and predict how life forms can adapt to changes in the environment.

3. Students will describe processes by which organisms change of time using evidence from comparative anatomy, embryology, the fossil record, genetics, and biochemistry.

4. Students will explain how genetic combinations produce visible effects and variations among physical features and cellular functions of organisms.

5. Students will analyze and explain biodiversity issues and the causes and effects of extinction

Students will create a website to inform an audience about the Theory of Evolution. Website will use current information on genetics and embryology as well as explaining the processes of natural selection.

Students will use computer simulations to analyze how a population can change over time given environmental pressures.

12.A - Know and apply concepts that explain how living things function, adapt, and change.

12.B - Know and apply concepts that describe how living things interact with each other and with their environment




1. Students will analyze the causes and transmission of disease.

2. Students will identify pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi) and compare their effects on organisms.

3. Students will describe the transmission of HIV and understand treatment methods.

4. Students will examine the immune system of the human body and describe how organisms fight diseases.

Students will explore pathology websites to create a database of known pathogens, which will include the disease name, symptoms, and transmission. 12.B - Know and apply concepts that describe how living things interact with each other and with their environment

1. Students will describe the structure and organization of cells and tissues that underlie basic life functions.

2. Students will explore the structure and function of the body systems: excretory, respiratory, circulatory, reproductive, endocrine, and nervous

3. Students will compare the anatomy of different groups of organisms and analyze the evolutionary implications of the comparisons.

Students will use programs and web resources to supplement dissections.


12.A - Know and apply concepts that explain how living things function, adapt, and change.

12.B - Know and apply concepts that describe how living things interact with each other and with their environment

Sample Lesson Plan

Sex and the Single Guppy

Purpose: Analyze how guppy populations change over time. The simulation activity allows students to start with a pool of virtual guppies and a choice of virtual predators. Students change the populations and observe how the guppy populations change over time depending on the number and type of predators in the pond. Students will use their data to write a lab report.

Experimental Question

To what degree do predation and sexual selection affect guppy coloration. Which has a greater effect, or do they both work equally to influence guppy populations?

Lab Report

1. Introduction: include background informatioin on guppies, sexual selection and natural selection. The introduction should also contain the hypothesis (answer to experimental question)

2. Data: A data table and graph will be included in the typed report (use a spreadsheet program to imbed graph)

3. Conclusion: Answer the experimental question using your data to support your conclusions. Suggest reasons for your findings and possible extensions to the study.

Website Resource: