Frog Anatomy and Dissection Images Print Friendly and PDF

Frog Dissection (2)

Frog Dissection Alternative

Head and Mouth Structures

frog mouth

Vomerine Teeth: Used for holding prey, located at the roof of the mouth

Maxillary Teeth: Used for holding prey, located around the edge of the mouth

Internal Nares (nostrils) breathing, connect to lungs

Eustachian Tubes: equalize pressure in inner ear

Glottis : Tube leading to the lungs

Esophagus: Tube leading to the stomach

Tongue: Front attached, aids in grabbing prey

Tympanic Membrane: eardrum, located behind eyes

Nictitating Membrane: clear eyelid, protects the eye

The Organs of the Abdominal Cavity

frog anatomy

Peritoneum: Spiderweb like membrane that covers organs

Stomach: First site of chemical digestion, breaks down food

Pyloric Sphincter - valve between stomach and small intestine

Liver: Makes bile (aids in digestion)

Gall bladder: Stores bile

Esophagus: Tube that leads to the stomach

Pancreas: Makes insulin (aids in digestion)

Small Intestine (duodenum, jejunum and ileum): absorb nutrients from food

Mesentery: Holds coils of the small intestine together

Large Intestine: Collects waste, absorbs water

Cloaca: "Sewer": eggs, sperm, urine and feces enter this area

Spleen: Part of circulatory system, stores blood

The Urogenital System

urogenital system

Kidneys (D): Filter Blood

Ureters (G): Carry urine from kidneys to bladder

Testes (C): Make sperm

Oviducts (B): eggs travel through these

Ovary: makes eggs (A) - ovary is often too small to see, but eggs are visible

Urinary Bladder (F): Stores Urine

Cloaca (E): Where sperm, eggs, urine, and feces exit.