Final Exam Review (Biology 2 & 2A) - Vertebrates Section Print Friendly and PDF

Vertebrates Classes

A. Agnatha
B. Osteichthyes
C. Chondrichthyes
D. Amphibia
E. Reptilia
F. Aves
G. Mammalia
H. Marsupial
I. Monotreme




Indicate the vertebrate class that goes with the clues.
(More than one in some cases)

1. ____ Placenta
2. ____ Dry, scaley skin
3. ____ Has hair
4. ____ Has a skeleton made of cartilage
5. ____ Includes fish (any type)
6. ____ Metamorphosis
7. ____ Has gills (at any point in its life)
8. ____ Has an amniote egg
9.____ Endothermic
10. ____ Has gills for one part of its life, lungs for another
11. ____ Pouched
12. ____ Feathers
13. ____ Hollow bones
14. ____ Can breathe through skin
15. ____ Cloaca
16. ____ Jawless
17. ____ Diaphragm
18. ____ Fused collarbone
19. ____ Gestation period
20. ____ Ectothermic
21. ____ External fertilization
22. ____ Mammary glands
23. ____ Bird
24. ____ Duck-billed platypus
25. ____ Human
26. ____ Frog
27. ____ Koala
28. ____ Turtle
29. ____ Manatee
30. ____ Shark
31. ____ Goldfish
32. ____ Snake
33. ____ Eagle


Fill in the blank.

34. Vertebrates belong to the Kingdom _________________
35. The Phylum __________________________
36. All vertebrates have a _____________
37. The theory that species change over time: _____________
38. Amphibians probably evolved from ______________
39. The fused collarbone of birds is the _______________
40. The "watery environment" of an embryo: _________________


Many questions are those pesky "which pair is most closely related?" - make sure you have a good understanding of which animals go into which groups.

Vocabulary -- Know what these things are, and what has them.
Amnion | Mesentery | Lateral line system | Swim (gas) bladder | Diaphragm | Evolution | Cloaca | Furculum | Gestation period | Ectothermic | Esophagus | Archaeopteryx | Endothermic | Viviparous | Oviparous | Jacobson's Organ | Tympanic Membrane | Nictitating Membrane |

BIO 2A - You also need to know the orders of all the major mammal groups (matching) - Chiroptera, Artiodactyla, Perissodactyla, Primate, Rodentia, Lagomorpha, Edentata, Carnivora, Pinnepedia, Proboscidea, Sirenia, Cetacea, Insectivora