FINAL EXAM -- Plant Review Print Friendly and PDF

Leaf Terminology


1. This leaf is [ lobed / unlobed ]
2. This leaf is [ simple/ compound ]
3. This leaf is [ toothed / untoothed ]
4. The leaves are [ opposite / alternate ]

*Do you know what kind of tree this is?

General Plant Vocabulary

5. The reproductive organ of the plant is the ____________________
6. The photosynthetic organ of the plant is the __________________
7. The structure that anchors the plant and absorbs nutrients is the ______________
8. Contains the plant's sperm, produced by the stamens: ___________________

9. Flowering plants are called ______________________
10. Plants that bear cones are called _________________________
11. Flowering plants that have two seed leaves are called __________________
12. Flowering plants that have one seed leaf are called _____________________
13. Give examples of an angiosperms: __________________________________
14. Give an example of a gymnosperm: ___________________________

15. Vascular tissue that transports water is called _____________________
16. Vascular tissue that transports food is called ______________________

17. When a seed sprouts it is called ________________________
18. When pollen is transferred from the stamen to the pistil, it is called ____________

19. The male part of the flower is called the ____________________
20. The female part of the flower is called the ____________________


21. Complete the formula for photosynthesis:

Water + light + ______________ ------> sugar + __________________

22. The study of plants is called ______________________

23. Label the parts of the flower

A. _____________________
AB. ___________________
AC. ___________________
B. ____________________
C. _____________________
D. _____________________
E. _____________________