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Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection

Darwin was a naturalist who observed many species.
He is famous for his trips to the Galapagos Islands, his observations of the finches (and other animals)
He wrote: "The Origin of Species:

1. Variation exists among individuals in a species.
2. Individuals of species will compete for resources (food and space)
3. Differential survival and reproduction
4. Adaptation: Individuals that had advantageous variations are more likely to survive and reproduce.


This process he describes came to be known as Natural Selection
The favorable variations are called Adaptations

finchDarwin's Finches:

Darwin noted that all the finches on the galapagos island looked about the same except for the shape of their beak. His observations lead to the conclusion that all the finches were descendents of the same original population. The shape of the beaks were adaptations for eating a particular type of food (Ex. long beaks were used for eating insects, short for seeds)

Evidence of Evolution

1. Fossil Evidence

2. Homologous Structures-

3. Vestigial Structures

4. Biochemistry and DNA

5. Embryological development

6. Direct Observation

Evolution Activities

Galapagos Finches (HHMI Video)

Evolution by Natural Selection (VIDA) Elephants
Evolution of Rabbits and Wolves (VIDA)

Rock Pocket Mouse HHMI Activity

Evolution Concept Map
Evolution Crossword