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Somatic and Special Senses


Sensory Receptors - detect environmental changes and trigger nerve impulses

What is synesthesia?

General vs Special Senses

Receptors and Sensations

1. Chemoreceptors
2. Pain receptors
3. Thermoreceptors
4. Mechanoreceptors
5. Photoreceptors

Sensation = feeling that occurs when a brain interprets a sensory impulse
Projection = process where the cerebrum causes a feeling to stem from a source (eyes, ears)

Somatic Senses


Sense of Pain




Special Senses

Smell (olfactory)

Taste (gustatory)

Hearing and Equilibrium:


Sense of Smell

Olfactory organs contain olfactory receptors


Sense of Taste

Taste buds = Papillae  

What are the five types of taste?                                                                   

Why does cilantro taste like soap to some people?


Sense of Hearing

External Ear = Auricle (pinna) - outer ear | External Auditory Meatus | Auriculares muscle

Middle Ear (tympanic cavity)

Eardrum, also called tympanum

What are the 3 auditory ossicles? (identify below)


Auditory Tube (eustachian tube) -

Inner Ear

Labyrinth - communicating chambers and tubes

Osseous Labyrinth and Membranous Labyrinth
........Perilymph and Endolymph (fluids within the labyrinth)

Semicircular Canals - sense of equilibrium

Cochlea - sense or hearing

Organ of Corti - hearing receptors, hair cells detect vibrations

Why do we lose are hearing as we age?

What is a cochlear implant?

Student Activities

Anatomy of the Ear Coloring

Ear Anatomy - Drag and Drop Labeling

Explore the Senses - Activity Stations