MITOSIS Practice Answer Key

Original Document located on 9.2 Mitosis Notes ; Created for AP Biology


10.  In humans, each cell (except sex cells) has how many chromosomes? _46___
11.  After mitosis, how many daughter cells are produced?  __2____
12.  After mitosis (in a human cell), each daughter cell has how many chromosomes? _____
13.  How many phases are in MITOSIS? ___4 (technically, interphase is not part of mitosis, it is part of the cell cycle)_______
14.  Which phase of the cell cycle is the longest?  __interphase_____
15.  During which phase does cytokinesis begin?  ___telophase____
16. What cell parts migrate to the poles during prophase? ____centrioles_________
17. What structure holds the two chromatids together? __centromere____________
18. During which phase does the nuclear membrane dissolve? __prophase__________
19. What structure moves the chromosomes into position and then pulls them apart? ____spindle________
20. What is the overall purpose of mitosis? _____create new cells, identical to parent cells for growth, repair or reproduction________