
A population is all of the members of a single species

Population genetics studies the variation in alleles in a gene pool.

Microevolution studies small changes in alleles that occur within a population. Over time, these small changes can accumulate, resulting in major differences within the population.

What is the gene pool?

The gene pool refers to the total collection of genes and their different alleles (variants) present within a population of a particular species. It represents the genetic diversity of that population and includes all the variations of genes carried by the individuals within it.

Dogs have been artificially selected for certain traits, resulting in a wide range of breeds with very different characteristics. The gene pool refers to all of the alleles present in the dog populations and their variants.


Industrial Melanism

What caused the moths to shift in color?


A. Causes of Microevolution

1. Genetic Mutations

What is polymorphism?

The occurrence of multiple forms or phenotypes wihtin a single population of species.

Example: Rock pocket mice can range from dark brown to beige in color. A single mutation or allele change can alter the color.

Mutations can be harmful or beneficial.

*Relative Fitness- harmful genes may incur an advantage if the environment changes

2. Gene Flow

Alleles move among populations, increasing variation and prevents speciation.

Does gene flow increase or decrease diversity?

When individuals from one population migrate and interbreed with individuals of another population, they bring in their unique genetic variants (alleles).

rat snake

Example of flow: Rat Snakes

Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta
Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri
Elaphe obsoleta bairdi
Elaphe obsoleta quadrivatta
Elaphe obsoleta rossalleni
Elaphe obsoleta spiloides

These are considered subspecies.

3. Nonrandom Mating

What is nonrandom mating?

Individuals in a population choose their mates based on specific characteristics rather than randomly mating with any available individual.

Assortive mating

Individuals tend to mate with others who have similar phenotypes or genotypes.

Sexual selection

males compete for females. This can result in extreme characteristics, like the feathers of a peacock, or the larger sizes of males. (sexual dimorphism)

4. Genetic Drift

- Refers to changes in allele frequencies of a gene pool due to chance

The bottleneck effect is caused by a severe reduction in population, followed by a recovery. Reduces diversity

Example of bottleneck effect: Cheetahs experienced a bottleneck around 10,000 to 12,000 years ago, reducing their population to a small number of individuals.

The founder effect is an example of genetic drift where rare alleles occur in higher frequency; isolated populations

Example of founder effect: A small group of Amish settlers migrated to the United States in the 18th century, founding communities in Pennsylvania and other regions.

Types of Selection

1. Directional selection occurs when an extreme phenotype is favored; the distribution curve shifts that direction.

Example: Peppered Moths during Industrial Revolution:

2. Stabilizing selection occurs when extreme phenotypes are eliminated and the intermediate phenotype is favored.

Example: Birth Weight in Humans:

3. Disruptive selection occurs when extreme phenotypes are favored and can lead to more than one distinct form.

Example: African Seedcrackers:


Macroevolution refers to evolutionary changes that occur over large timescales, resulting in the formation of new species


What is a Species?

- a group of actually or potentially interbreeding populations
- a hybrid is an offspring of two distinct species, example: Liger, Mule

Reproductive Isolating Mechanisms

Prezygotic Isolating Mechanisms:

  1. Geographical Isolation: Populations are separated by physical barriers like mountains, rivers, or other geographical features.
  2. Ecological (Habitat) Isolation: Species occupy different habitats within the same area, reducing the chance of encountering each other.
  3. Temporal Isolation: Species breed at different times (seasons, day/night), preventing them from mating.
  4. Behavioral Isolation: Differences in courtship rituals, mating behaviors, or signals prevent mating between species.
  5. Mechanical Isolation: Structural differences prevent successful mating or pollination.
  6. Gametic Isolation: Sperm of one species may not be able to fertilize eggs of another species due to molecular incompatibility.

Postzygotic Isolating Mechanisms:

  1. Hybrid Inviability: Hybrid embryos do not develop properly and die before reaching maturity.
  2. Hybrid Sterility: Hybrids are viable but sterile, preventing gene flow between species (e.g., mules - offspring of horses and donkeys).
  3. Hybrid Breakdown: First-generation hybrids are viable and fertile, but subsequent generations of hybrids have reduced viability or fertility.

Modes of Speciation

Allopatric Speciation:

Sympatric Speciation:

Speciation Process

Divergent Speciation:

Phyletic Speciation: