Cell Structures

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The Nucleus

Endoplasmic Reticulum -- Transport System

(endoplasm means "within cytoplasm", reticulum means "little net"
--divides cell into compartments
--channels molecules through the cell's interior, like a little highway

Rough ER
--has ribosomes which give it its "rough" appearance
--functions in protein synthesis
--ER transports newly assembled proteins to the Golgi Apparatus

Smooth ER
--mostly contains enzymes that unction in lipid synthesis (such as hormones like estrogen and testosterone)


Golgi Apparatus -- Delivery System    

Jobs of the Golgi Apparatus (aka Golgi Complex)


Lysosomes - Intracellular Digestion Centers

 TAY-SACHS disease – missing an enzyme of the lysosomes that breaks down a fatty substance.  Over time this fat builds up in the brain and nervous tissue, smothering the cells.  Results in degeneration and death.

Ribosomes - Sites of Protein Synthesis


--each is composed of two subunits, one large and one small
--mRNA is "read" by the ribosomes and amino acids are assembled into proteins
--ribosomes are manufactured by the nucleolus inside the nucleus
--polyribosomes – strings of ribosomes in the cytoplasm that work to make a protein

Other Organelles

-- Peroxisomes – result in hydrogen peroxide, broken down by catalase
-- Vacuole  --  mainly storage or specific functions (contractile vacuole)
-- Plant cells have a CENTRAL VACUOLE  - used for storage and help to maintain hydrostatic pressure

plant cell

Image by brgfx on Freepik


Mitochondria - The Cell's Chemical Furnaces

--contains its own DNA, support for Endosymbiosis Theory
--singular is "mitochondrion"
--2 membranes, one smooth outer membrane, and an inner membrane folded into layers called cristae
--Cristae has two compartments: the matrix and the intermembrane space
--mitochondria divide before cell division, they are not synthesized like other cell parts
--function to store energy for cell use. Energy is stored in the form of ATP - adenosine triphosphate



Chloroplasts - Where Photosynthesis Takes Place


--only found in plant cells
--has its own DNA, like mitochondrion
--functions to convert light energy to carbohydrates
--carbohydrates then broken down in mitochondria to produce ATP
--consists of grana, closed compartments that are stacked
--thylakoids are the individual disk shaped compartments that make up the grana (stack of thylakoids)
--stroma is the fluid surrounded the thylakoids

*Chloroplasts are a type of plastid
Chromoplasts – red, yellow and orange pigment
Leucoplasts –
colorless (potatoes)


Cytoskeleton - Support System




flagellaRelated to Movement

Pseudopod – extensions of the cell that allow for movement (ameba), depend on actin filaments

Cilia (hair)

Flagella (whip)
--function in movement
-- 9+ 2 Arrangement of microtubules