Reading Guide, Section 1-3 Name __________________________

1. Define observation?

2. What important observation did John Harte make about tiger salamanders?

3. A [ prediction / hypothesis ] is an educated guess that can be tested by experimentation.

4. Ambystoma tigrinum is a ___________________________

5. Using the graph in figure 1-14, in which month are the pond levels at the highest pH? __________ In which month is the lake MOST acidic? __________________(read the caption to figure this out)

6. A planned procedure to test a hypothesis is called a(n) ___________________________

7. In an experiment,a group that receives no treatment is called the _______________

8. Study the following steps in a scientific investigation. Number them in the correct order.

____ forming a hypothesis

____ asking a question

____ making a prediction

____ drawing a conclusion

____ experimenting (confirm predictions)

9. Once a scientist completes an experiment, she often publishes the report in a(n): _________________

10. A(n) _____________________ unites and explains a broad range of observations.

11. It is important in scienc to not be mislead by [ large / isolated ] observations.

12. To scientists, a theory represents that which they are [ certain / uncertain ] of.

13. To the general public, the word "theory" implies [ certainty / lack of knowledge ]

14. A scientific theory can [ never / sometimes ] be revised or rejected.

15. There is no absolute [ values / certainty ] in a scientific theory.