Reading 28-3 Insects.................................................... Name______________________________________

1. What evolutionary adaptation allowed insects to colonize new habitats? _____________________
2. Using Fig 28-14 (pie chart), determine what percentage of animal species are not insects: _____________
3. What are the three parts of the insect body? _________________________________________________
4. How many pairs of legs do insects have? _________ To what body part are they attached to? __________
5. Why is it so hard to swat a fly? _________________________________________
6. Where would you find the ears of a grasshopper? _________________________________
7. What are the three mouthparts insects have?________________________________________________
8. The process of changing shape of form is called _______________________________________________
9. In insects that undergo incomplete metamorphosis, immature forms are called ______________________
10. In complete metamorphosis, the stage where an insect changes from larva to adult is called the _______________
11. What insect causes trouble for cotton farmers? _______________________________
12. List three useful products produced by insects: ________________________________________
13. Why does a firefly flash its light? ______________________________________________________
14. Many insects communicate with chemical signals called _____________________________________

Insect Societies
15. What is an insect society? ______________________________________________________________
16. Groups of individuals in an insect society form _________________________, which are specialized to perform a specific task.

17. Use Fig 28-20 to answer True or False to the following statements:
________ Leaf cutter ants eat leaves.
________ Dump chambers are used to hold eggs.
________ Soldiers guard the nest.
________ Major workers are responsible for gathering leaves.
________ Minor workers tend to the gardens.

18. What insect "dances" to communicate? ________________

Multiple Choice (Reference 28-1, 28-2, 28-3)

1. All arthropods have:
a. gills b. jointed appendages c. antennae d. chelicerae

2. An arthropod's exoskeleton performs all of the following functions except:
a. production of gametes b. protection of internal organs
c. supporting the animal's body d. preventing water loss

3. Most terrestrial arthropods breathe using branched, air-filled structures called:
a. gills b. book lungs c. tracheal tubes d. book gills

4. Crustaceans are the only arthropods with:
a. three pairs of legs b. two pairs of antennae c. chitin in their exoskeleton d. chelicerae

5. All insects have:
a. two pairs of legs b. two pairs of antennae c. two pairs of wings d. three body sections

6. A honeybee belongs to the Kingdom ____________ and the Phylum ___________
a. Arthropoda, Insecta b. Animalia, Arthropoda c. Animalia, Insecta d. Insecta, Animalia