Dichotomous Key on Norns Answers

Original Document: Dichotomous Key on Norns

1. Has pointed ears .................................... go to 3
....Has rounded ears ....................................go to 2

2. Has no tail ............................................. Kentuckyus
....Has tail .................................................. Dakotus

3. Ears point upward .................................... go to 5
....Ears point downward ..............go to 4

4. Engages in waving behavior ............................. Dallus
....Has hairy tufts on ears ..........................................Californius

5. Engages in waving behavior ............................. WalaWala
....Does not engage in waving behavior....................go to 6

6. Has hair on head ............................................. Beverlus
....Has no hair on head (may have ear tufts) .......go to 7

7. Has a tail ............................................. Yorkio
....Has no tail, aggressive ............................ Rajus

norn1 norn2 norn 3
A______Norno beverlus____ B___Norno dallus____ C__Norno rajus________
norn 4 norn 5 norn 7
D_____Norno kentuckyus____ E_____Norno californius__ F__Norno walawala_______
norn 8 norn 6  
G____Norno dakotus________ H_____Norno yorkio_______