"A Field Guide to Critical Thinking" - http://www.csicop.org/si/show/field_guide_to_critical_thinking/
Reading Worksheet

1. According to the author, who are the three groups responsible for the popularity of paranormal beliefs in the United States?


2. Do you agree with the statement that students have been taught "what to think, but not how to think" - Defend your position.


3. Why is it important that a claim be falsifiable?


4. How do so-called psychics make use of the "undeclared claim"?


5. How do UFO proponents make use of the "multiple out"?


6. Give an example of an argument that is valid but not sound.


7. What is replicability and why is it important?


8. Give an example where a person uses disconfirming evidence in order to "prove" a point. (don't use the one given)