Tag: text

  • Article:  The Body Farm

    Article: The Body Farm

    This article has been adapted to model standardized test questions students, where the article is divided into columns and each paragraph is labeled with a number.  Students are required to find information in the text and analyze text structures.   Readers are asked to used context clues to understand difficult vocabulary.  Students must also make…

  • Why I’m Changing My Classroom Phone Policy

    Why I’m Changing My Classroom Phone Policy

    Last year, I decided to run a social experiment with my honors class.  This was a small class of 18 students taking Advanced Placement Biology, with a mix of juniors and seniors.   The experiment was to see if these digital natives could handle having an open policy on cell phones.   I allowed them…

  • Student Activities for Reading Assignments

    Student Activities for Reading Assignments

    Use these activities for student reading assignments. Post it notes, pair and share, highlight text, and concept maps