You can easily convert metric to English systems using the internet.  Try it out by typing into google “how many miles per hour is 30 kilometers per hour” and you will get an answer quickly.  However, in the old days, people had to do conversions using equations are charts.  

Converting with an Equation

IF   1 Mile per Hour = 1.6 Kilometers per Hour  then …….

Convert these speeds using the equation.
1.  30 mph = ________kph                2.    60 mph = ________ kph             3.  100 mph = _______kph
2.  100 kph = _______ mph      3.    12 kph =  _________mph           4.   60 kph = _______ mph

Converting a distance.   1 kilometer = 0.62 miles

5.  Set up a ratio similar to the one in the box above.  

6.  Use that ratio to convert these values:

a.    50 km  =  ______ miles                         b.    30 km = ________ miles              
c.    _______ km  =  480 miles                      d.    _________ km  =   1,208 miles


Converting with a Map

This map has a scale showing both miles and kilometers.  Use the map and the scale to determine the following distances:


7.  Peoria to Indianapolis= ______ mi  or  ______ km
8.  Chicago to St Louis= ______ mi  or  ______ km
9.  Madison to Farmington= ______ mi  or  ______ km
10.  Springfield to Evansville =______ mi  or  ______ km

Converting with a Graph

Alternatively, you can convert the values using a graph.  Create a graph using the data on run speeds of different animals.  Plot the kph on the Y axis and mph on the X axis


11.  You can now use this graph to figure out these speeds without using the equation. 
Human moving 28 mph =  _______________ kph    Golden Retriever moving 40 mph = ______________ kph
Lion moving 45 mph = __________________kph     Cow moving 18 mph = ____________kph

Donkey moving 70 kph =  ______________mph    Squirrel moving 39 kph = ________ mph