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Ch 10 Cell Reproduction

OpenStax: Unit 2; Ch 10

Why do Cells Divide? .... Growth, reproduction, repair.

Control of the Cell Cycle

G1 Checkpoint - Check to see if DNA is damaged
G2 Checkpoint - Check to see if DNA is replicated properly
M Checkpoint - spindle assembly checkpoint, check for alignment of chromosomes
Apoptosis - programmed cell death, if any of the checks fail

cell cycle

G1 (Gap1) = growth and new organelles
S = synthesis of DNA
G2 = preparation for cell division
Mitosis = nuclear division

9.2 Mitosis & Cytokinesis


Interphase - cell growth, preparation for division, DNA synthesis.

Mitosis - The division of the nucleus that results in identical complete copies of chromosmes packaged into two new nuclei.

Occurs in 4 phases: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

Cytokinesis - The division of the cytoplasm that results in two daughter cells. Plants build a new cell wall. Animal cells pinch inward.

Mitosis produces 2 daughter cells that contain the exact same number of chromosomes as the original parent cell. Daughter cells are DIPLOID

cell cycle

Spindle = fibers attached to the centrioles that pull chromatids apart during anaphase

Paclitaxel is a cancer treatment drug that targets the tubulin in the spindle, preventing its formation. Taxol, in effect, blocks mitosis.

9.3 The Cell Cycle and Cancer

neoplasm: abnormal growth of cells | benign: non-cancerous | malignant: cancerous

Cancer: cellular growth disorder that results from the mutation of genes that regulate the cell cycle

Oncology - the study of cancer

MITOSIS Practice

mitosis practice labeling

10.  In humans, each cell (except sex cells) has how many chromosomes? ______
11.  After mitosis, how many daughter cells are produced?  _______
12.  After mitosis (in a human cell), each daughter cell has how many chromosomes? _____
13.  How many phases are in MITOSIS? ___________
14.  Which phase of the cell cycle is the longest?  _________
15.  During which phase does cytokinesis begin?  __________
16. What cell parts migrate to the poles during prophase? __________________
17. What structure holds the two chromatids together? ____________________
18. During which phase does the nuclear membrane dissolve? __________________
19. What structure moves the chromosomes into position and then pulls them apart? ___________________
20. What is the overall purpose of mitosis? _________________________