Lessons in Bioethics

boy in hospital

Bioethics is a field of study concerned with the ethical implications of advances in biology, medicine, and healthcare. It examines the moral principles and values that arise in healthcare, biomedical research, and the life sciences.

Bioethics deals with complex issues such as patient autonomy, informed consent, end-of-life care, genetic testing, reproductive technologies, organ transplantation, and the allocation of healthcare resources. It aims to provide guidelines and frameworks for making ethical decisions in these areas, considering the impact on individuals, society, and the environment.

Examples of questions in bioethics:

  1. End-of-Life Care: Is it ethical to withdraw life support from terminally ill patients who are in a vegetative state?

  2. Genetic Engineering: Should we edit the human genome to prevent genetic diseases, and if so, what are the ethical boundaries?

  3. Organ Transplantation: How should organs be allocated among patients on transplant waiting lists?
  4. Reproductive Technologies: What are the ethical implications of using technologies like in vitro fertilization (IVF) or surrogate motherhood?

  5. Research Ethics: What guidelines should be in place to ensure ethical treatment of human or animal subjects in scientific research?

  6. Healthcare Access: How can we ensure equitable access to healthcare resources and treatments in society?

  7. Neuroethics: What are the ethical implications of enhancing cognitive abilities or altering emotions using neurotechnologies?

  8. Environmental Ethics: How do our choices in biotechnology and medical research impact the environment, and what ethical responsibilities do we have?

Class Activities

Bioethics Quest

Your Genes, Your Choices

The Desperate Dozen

Genetic Science Ethics

The Hippocratic Oath for Anatomy Students